Are you kids on drugs?
(too old to reply)
pull your pants up
21 years ago
private auction -- bidders' identities protected AU $510.00 30-Jul-03 23:39:06 AEST
private auction -- bidders' identities protected AU $49.00 29-Jul-03 23:32:39 AEST

are you on drugs?
not legit
I didn't realise ebay buyers could be THAT stupid!
Craig Welch
19 years ago
He committed a crime and deserves to pay.
Do all crimes carry equal weight in your humble opinion?
As you tootle along the highway in your Corolla at 99kph, do you
note registration numbers of cars who overtake you at 103kph and
report them to the authorities?
Selling pirated videos is theft. If you think theft is nothing to
worry about please give me your address.
You haven't answered my question (surprise!).

To what end would you have me give you my address? (Hint: it's in
the phone book).